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了解 提名及选举时间表 and consider running for a seat on the 董事会 of Governors in the next election cycle.


在国会任职.C. 澳门赌场官网公会理事会 or as an ABA Delegate provides the unique opportunity to directly shape the future of the nation’s largest unified bar while also benefiting your own career.

作为一个自治协会, the 酒吧 depends on the commitment of dedicated and experienced leaders like you who are willing to serve and help advance our steadfast values of integrity, 道德, 以及卓越的法律.

运用你的技能和专业知识来帮助D.C. 酒吧推进其使命:

  • 开展和改进司法工作
  • Expand access to justice and the delivery of legal services to those in need
  • Foster and maintain high ideals of integrity, competence, and the highest standards of conduct
  • 维护会员的职业利益
  • 领导法律界


D是什么?.C. 澳门赌场官网公会理事会?

The 董事会 of Governors (BOG) provides strategic oversight and general charge of the affairs and activities of the 酒吧. 董事会由下列成员组成:

  • 总统
  • 当选总统
  • 秘书
  • 财务主管
  • 财务主管-Elect
  • 前总统
  • 十四(14)名澳门赌场官网成员
  • 三(3)名非澳门赌场官网成员(无投票权)

All officers and voting members also serve as the 董事会 of Directors (BOD) of the D.C. 酒吧 公益性服务 Center and are elected by active 酒吧 members. Non-lawyer members are recommended by the Nominations Committee and approved by the 董事会 of Governors.

I have a lot of work and personal commitments – what is the estimated time commitment for 董事会 service?

While there is no fixed or minimum number of hours required for 董事会 service, the monthly time commitment for a Member could range from 5-15 hours depending on the number of meetings, 准备时间和必要的跟进. Regular 董事会 meetings last approximately 2-3 hours each.  董事会 committee meetings are held 2-6 times per year, depending upon the committee.

The time commitment required for Officers is generally greater, as they typically sit on multiple committees and have additional responsibilities with regard to additional meetings, 审阅会议资料, 与酒吧员工协调工作.

我从来没有在董事会任职过. Will this preclude me from running for or being elected to the 董事会?

No. The 酒吧 welcomes all active members who are interested in serving the membership and the D.C. legal community and have a vision for the 酒吧’s future. Though prior leadership or relevant volunteer experience is highly desirable, 不需要过去的董事会经验.

我不在哥伦比亚特区生活或执业. 我还能在董事会任职吗?

是的! 全活性D.C. 酒吧 members are eligible to serve, even if they do not reside or practice in the District. Members will be able to attend 董事会 meetings in person (conditions permitting) or virtually.


在一般情况下, 董事会成员预计不会出差, with the exception of local events when circumstances allow.


What is the American 酒吧 Association (ABA) House of Delegates?

The ABA House of Delegates (House) is the body charged with the control and administration of the ABA and it is the policy-making body of the association. 它由大约600名成员组成, 其中三分之二代表州, 本地酒吧和特色酒吧. The House meets twice each year, at ABA Annual and Midyear Meetings. D.C. 酒吧’s delegates are elected by its members to serve as liaisons between the 酒吧 and the ABA.

What are the prerequisites for ABA House of Delegates Service?

  • 代表必须是D的积极成员.C. 澳门赌场官网和美国澳门赌场官网协会成员.
  • One delegate must be either: under the age of 36 at the beginning of his or her term or have been admitted to practice in his or her first bar within the past 5 years (elected every other year).


Delegates to the ABA House of Delegates are expected to:

  • 出席众议院的每次会议, 充分参与其程序, and discharge the responsibilities of the House as described on the ABA website;
  • review all of the House of Delegates meeting materials, including resolutions, before the meetings;
  • participate in a House Caucus or serve on a House Committee, if desired; and
  • 起草、辩论和表决决议.


Delegates are elected to 2-year terms, with no limit on the number of terms served. The term begins after the conclusion of the ABA Annual Meeting which takes place in August.

代表是否必须出席会议? If so, are they reimbursed for travel-related expenses?

ABA delegates are expected to attend 2 meetings per year: the ABA Annual Meeting (usually held in August), and the ABA Midyear Meeting (usually held in February/March.)

Reimbursement for travel-related expenses varies, depending on the meeting:

  • Midyear Meetings: Roundtrip air/ground transportation is reimbursable, provided the delegate is present at the end of the meeting.
  • Annual Meetings: Travel reimbursement is not available.
  • House Committee Meetings (held during Midyear and Annual Meetings): Per diem reimbursement only.


解析:选D.C. 澳门赌场官网公会理事会 members have to say about their 董事会 service, 它是如何影响他们的, 以及他们对未来候选人的建议.
